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Text File  |  1993-08-26  |  33KB  |  1,044 lines

  1. •¢•∏•¢ /Asia/
  2. •¢•…•Ï•π /address/
  3. •¢•’•Í•´ /Africa/
  4. •¢•·•Í•´ /America/
  5. §¢§ÍΔÒ§§ [§¢§Í§¨§ø§§] /grateful/thankful/
  6. •¢•Î•¥•Í•∫•‡ /algorithm/
  7. •¢•Î•–•§•» /part-time job/
  8. •§•Æ•Í•π /Great Britain/United Kingdom/
  9. •§•ø•Í•¢ /Italy/
  10. •§•ø•Í•√•Ø /italic/
  11. §§§ƒ§fl /Itsumi (pn)/
  12. •§•·°º•∏ /one's image/
  13. §§§Ë§§§Ë /more and more/all the more/increasingly/
  14. §§§Ô§≠ /Iwaki (pn,pl)/
  15. •§•Û•∞•È•Û•… /England/
  16. •¶°º•Î /wool/
  17. •¶•£•Î•π /virus/
  18. •¶•§•π•≠°º /whisky/
  19. •¶•®°º•»•Ï•π /waitress/
  20. §¶§√§´§Í /carelessly/thoughtlessly/
  21. §¶§Û /yeah/uh huh/
  22. §®§®§» /let me see/well/er..../
  23. •®• •∏°º /energy/
  24. •®•Õ•Î•Æ°º /energy/
  25. •®•Û•∏•Á•§ /enjoy (vs)/
  26. •™°º•–°º /overcoat/
  27. •™°º•◊•Û /open/
  28. •™•§•Î /oil/engine oil/kerosene/
  29. §™§∑§„§Ÿ§Í§  /talkative/
  30. §™§«§Û /oden (Japanese hodgepodge)/
  31. •™•’•£•π /office/
  32. §™§‰§™§‰ /my goodness!/
  33. •™•È•Û•¿ /Holland/The Netherlands/
  34. •™•Í•Û•‘•√•Ø /Olympic/
  35. •™•Ï•Û•∏•∏•Â°º•π /orange juice/
  36. §™¥Í§§§∑§fi§π [§™§Õ§¨§§§∑§fi§π] /please (hon)/
  37. §™µ¢§Í§ §µ§§ [§™§´§®§Í§ §µ§§] /Welcome home (id)/
  38. §™µŸ§fl§ §µ§§ [§™§‰§π§fl§ §µ§§] /Good night (id)/
  39. §™∂‚ [§™§´§Õ] /money/
  40. §™∑ª§µ§Û [§™§À§§§µ§Û] /older brother (hon)/
  41. §™∏ÊÕ¡ [§™§fl§≥§∑] /portable shrine/
  42. §™π §Í [§™§∑§‹§Í] /wet towel (supplied at table)/
  43. §™ª–§µ§Û [§™§Õ§®§µ§Û] /older sister (hon)/
  44. §™ª“§µ§Û [§™§≥§µ§Û] /(someone else's) child/
  45. §™º≠µ∑ [§™§∏§Æ] /bow (vs)/
  46. §™ºŸÀ‚§∑§fi§π [§™§∏§„§fi§∑§fi§π] /I am bothering you? (id)/
  47. §™ºÍ¿ˆ§§ [§™§Δ§¢§È§§] /toilet/
  48. §™ºÍ≈¡§§§µ§Û [§™§Δ§ƒ§¿§§§µ§Û] /maid/
  49. §™æÓ§µ§Û [§™§∏§Á§¶§µ§Û] /daughter (hon)/
  50. §™¿§º≠ [§™§ª§∏] /flattery/compliment/
  51. §™¡∞ [§™§fi§®] /you (sing,fam)/
  52. §™¬Â§Í [§™§´§Ô§Í] /second helping/another cup/
  53. §™¬Áªˆ§À [§™§¿§§§∏§À] /Take care of yourself (id)/
  54. §™¬ [§™§ø§Ø] /your house/your home (pol)/
  55. §™√Œ§È§ª [§™§∑§È§ª] /Notice/Notification/
  56. §™√„ [§™§¡§„] /tea (green)/
  57. §™√„§Œø [§™§¡§„§Œ§fl§∫] /Ochyanomizu (pl)/
  58. §™«Ã§µ§Û [§™§–§¢§µ§Û] /grandmother/
  59. §™…„§µ§Û [§™§»§¶§µ§Û] /father (hon)/
  60. §™…˜œ§§ÀΔ˛§Î [§™§’§Ì§À§œ§§§Î] /to take a bath/
  61. §™ ¢ [§™§ §´] /stomach/
  62. §™ ¢§¨∂ı§§§ø [§™§ §´§¨§π§§§ø] /hungry (id)/
  63. §™ Ã§Ï [§™§Ô§´§Ï] /farewell/
  64. §™ Ï§µ§Û [§™§´§¢§µ§Û] /mother (hon)/
  65. §™Àfl [§™§‹§Û] /Lantern Festival/
  66. §™Ãϧµ§Û [§™§∏§§§µ§Û] /grandfather/
  67. •´°º•… /card/
  68. •´°º•Õ•Æ°º•·•Ì•Û /Carnegie Mellon/
  69. §´§™§Î /Kaoru (pn)/
  70. •´• •¿ /Canada/
  71. §´§ §Í /fairly/
  72. •´•·•È /camera/
  73. •´•Í•’•©•Î•À•¢ /California/
  74. •´•Ï°º /curry/
  75. •¨°º•Î /girl/
  76. •≠•π /kiss (vs)/
  77. §≠§¡§Û§» /precisely/accurately/
  78. §≠§√§» /surely/undoubtedly/
  79. §≠§ƒ§§ /tight/close/intense/
  80. §≠§fl /Kimi (pn)/
  81. •≠•„•Û•—•π /campus/
  82. •Æ•Í•∑•„ /Greece/
  83. §Ø§π§∞§√§ø§§ /ticklish/
  84. •Ø•È•÷ /club/
  85. •Ø•Í•π•fi•π /Christmas/
  86. •Ø•Í•√•Ø /click/
  87. §Ø§Ï§Î /to be given/
  88. •∞•È•π /glass/
  89. •∞•È•’•£•√•Ø•π /graphics/
  90. •∞•Í°º•Ûº÷ [•∞•Í°º•Û§∑§„] /green car (1st class)/
  91. •±°º•≠ /cake/
  92. §±§Ï§… /but/however/
  93. §±§Ï§…§‚ /but/however/
  94. •≤°º•‡ /game/
  95. •≥°º•» /coat/tennis court/
  96. •≥°º•“°º /coffee/
  97. •≥•´•≥°º•È /Coca-Cola/
  98. §≥§≥ /here/this place/
  99. •≥•≥•¢ /cocoa/
  100. §≥§¡ /this way/this one/
  101. §≥§¡§È /this person/this direction/this side/
  102. §≥§¡§È§≥§Ω /it is I who should say so (id)/
  103. §≥§Œ /this/
  104. §≥§Œ∫¢ [§≥§Œ§¥§Ì] /recently/
  105. •≥•‘°º /a copy/
  106. §≥§‹§π /to spill/
  107. §≥§Ï /this/
  108. §≥§Ï§´§È /after this/
  109. §≥§Ï§« /here/with this/
  110. §≥§Ï§È /these/
  111. •≥•Ì•Û /cologne/
  112. •≥•Û•Ø•Í°º•» /concrete/
  113. •≥•Û•‘•Â°º•ø°º /computer/
  114. •¥°º•Î /goal/
  115. •¥•‡ /gum/rubber/eraser/
  116. §¥§Ì§¥§Ì /thunder/purring/scatter (vs)/idleness/
  117. §¥∂Ïœ´§µ§fi [§¥§Ø§Ì§¶§µ§fi] /I appreciate your efforts (id)/
  118. •µ•§•Û /autograph/sign/
  119. §µ§Ø§È§Û§‹ /cherry/
  120. •µ•‹•ø°º•∏•Â /sabotage (vs)/
  121. §∂§È§∂§È /feeling rough/
  122. •∑•¢•»•Î /Seattle/
  123. •∑•´•¥ /Chicago/
  124. •∑•≤ª“ [§∑§≤§≥] /Shigeko (pn)/
  125. •∑•„•Ô°º /shower/
  126. §∏§√§»∏´§Î [§∏§√§»§fl§Î] /to watch steadily/
  127. •π°º•ƒ /suit/
  128. •π°º•—°º /supermarket/
  129. •π•´°º•» /skirt/
  130. •π•´°º•’ /scarf/
  131. •π•≠°º /skiing/
  132. •π•ø°º•»•Ï•√•Ø /Star Trek/
  133. •π•Δ°º•≠ /steak/
  134. •π•⁄•§•Û /Spain/
  135. •π•›°º•ƒ /sport/
  136. •∫•‹•Û /trousers/
  137. §∫§È§π /to put off/to delay/
  138. §∫§Î§§ /sly/cunning/
  139. •ª•Ø•∑°º /sexy (an)/
  140. •ª•fl• °º /seminar/
  141. •ª•Û•¡•·°º•»•Î /centimeter/
  142. §Ω§√§¡ /your (that) place/the other/
  143. §Ω§√§» /softly/secretly/
  144. •Ω•”•®•» /Soviet Union/
  145. •Ω•’•»•¶•ß•¢ /software/
  146. §Ω§Ï /it/that/
  147. §Ω§Ï§´§È /and then/after that/
  148. §Ω§Ï§æ§Ï /each/every/respectively/
  149. §Ω§Ï§« /and (conj)/thereupon/
  150. §Ω§Ï§«§œ /well/
  151. §Ω§Ï§»§‚ /or/or else/
  152. §Ω§Ï§À /besides/moreover/
  153. §Ω§Ï§È /those over there/
  154. •Ωœ¢ [§Ω§Ï§Û] /Soviet Union/Russia/
  155. •ø•§πÒ [§ø§§§≥§Ø] /Thailand/
  156. §ø§·¬© [§ø§·§§§≠] /a sigh/
  157. §¿§√§Δ /but/because/
  158. §ƒ§Ø§– /Tsukuba (pl)/
  159. •Δ•Ï•” /television/TV/
  160. •Δ•Ï•’•©•Û•´°º•… /telephone card/
  161. •«°º•ø /data/
  162. •«•—°º•» /department store/
  163. §«§‚ /but/however/
  164. § §´§ §´ /easily/fairly/quite/very/highly/rather/
  165. § §¨§È /while doing/
  166. •œ•Ô•§ /Hawaii/
  167. •œ•Û•´•¡ /handkerchief/
  168. •—•¡•Û•≥ /pachinko (Jap. pinball)/
  169. •—•È•¿•§•‡ /paradigm/
  170. •—•Û≤∞ [•—•Û§‰] /bakery/
  171. §“§…§§ /terrible/severe/heavy/violent/
  172. §“§Ì§fl /Hiromi (pn)/
  173. §÷§ƒ§´§Î /to strike/to collide with/
  174. §÷§ƒ§±§Î /to hit/to knock/to run into/
  175. •Ÿ°º•»•Ù•ß•Û /Beethoven/
  176. •Ÿ•»• •‡ /Vietnam/
  177. •€°º•‡ /platform/
  178. •€•π•» /host/
  179. •‹°º•§ /boy/
  180. •‹•π•»•Û /Boston/
  181. •Ë°º•Ì•√•— /Europe/
  182. §Ë§∑ª“ [§Ë§∑§≥] /Yoshiko (pn)/
  183. •Ï°º•∂°º /laser/
  184. •Ï•‚•Û /lemon/
  185. •Ì°º•fiª˙ [§Ì§¶§fi§∏] /romanization/
  186. •Ì•‹•√•» /robot/
  187. •Ì•Û•…•Û /London/
  188. •Ô°º•◊•Ì /word processor/
  189. ∞°µ› [§¢§Ê§fl] /Ayumi (pn)/
  190. ∞°æ∂ª“ [§¢§µ§≥] /Asako (pn)/
  191. ∞¶æ [§¢§§§∏§Á§¶] /love/
  192. ∞≠§§ [§Ô§Î§§] /bad/inferior/
  193. ∞∞ [§¢§≠§È] /Akira (pn)/
  194. ∞∞¿Ó [§¢§µ§“§´§Ô] /Asahikawa (pl)/
  195. ∞∑§¶ [§¢§ƒ§´§¶] /to handle/to deal with/
  196. ∞œ§‡ [§´§≥§‡] /to surround/to encircle/
  197. ∞–∂˘ [§§§π§fl] /Isumi (pl)/
  198. ∞’∏´ [§§§±§Û] /opinion/view/
  199. ∞„§¶ [§¡§¨§¶] /to differ (from)/
  200. ∞Â≥ÿ [§§§¨§Ø] /medicine/
  201. ∞º‘ [§§§∑§„] /doctor (medical)/
  202. ∞Êæ [§§§Œ§¶§®] /Inoue (pn)/
  203. ∞ȧƒ [§Ω§¿§ƒ] /to raise (child)/
  204. ∞È§Δ§Î [§Ω§¿§Δ§Î] /to be brought up/
  205. ∞ϱfl∂à[§§§¡§®§Û§ø§fi] /1 yen coin/
  206. ∞Ï≤Û [§§§√§´§§] /one time/
  207. ∞Ï≥¨ [§§§√§´§§] /one floor/first floor/
  208. ∞Ϫ˛ [§§§¡§∏] /one hour/short time/once/
  209. ∞ÏΩµ [§§§√§∑§Â§¶] /a week/
  210. ∞ÏΩµ¥÷ [§§§√§∑§Â§¶§´§Û] /one week/
  211. ∞ÏΩ÷ [§§§√§∑§Â§Û] /instant/
  212. ∞ÏΩÔ [§§§√§∑§Á] /together/
  213. ∞ÏøÕ [§“§»§Í] /one person/
  214. ∞Ϭ¿œ∫ [§§§¡§ø§Ì§¶] /Ichitarou (pn)/
  215. ∞Ï«Ø [§§§¡§Õ§Û] /one year/
  216. ∞Ï»÷ [§§§¡§–§Û] /best/first/number one/
  217. ∞Ï…ß [§´§∫§“§≥] /Kazuhiko (pn)/
  218. ∞ÏÀ‹ [§§§√§›§Û] /one long thing/one version/a certain book/
  219. ∞ı∫˛ [§§§Û§µ§ƒ] /printing (vs)/
  220. ∞˙§√±€§π [§“§√§≥§π] /to move/to change residence/
  221. ∞˙§√ƒ•§Î [§“§√§—§Î] /to pull/to draw/to drag/
  222. ∞˚§fl≤∞ [§Œ§fl§‰] /bar/saloon/
  223. ±£§π [§´§Ø§π] /to hide (vt)/to conceal/
  224. ±ß≈‘µ‹ [§¶§ƒ§Œ§fl§‰] /Utsunomiya (pl)/
  225. ±≥ [§¶§Ω] /lie/
  226. ±ø [§¶§Û] /fortune/luck/
  227. ±øΔ∞ [§¶§Û§…§¶] /motion (vs)/exercise/
  228. ±¿ [§Ø§‚] /cloud/
  229. ±¿¿Á [§¶§Û§º§Û] /Unzen (pl)/
  230. ±«≤Ë [§®§§§¨] /movie/film/
  231. ±«≤Ë¥€ [§®§§§¨§´§Û] /movie theatre/
  232. ±À§∞ [§™§Ë§∞] /to swim/
  233. ±Ã§Ï§Î [§‚§Ï§Î] /leak/
  234. ±—…◊ [§“§«§™] /Hideo (pn)/
  235. ±— ∏ [§®§§§÷§Û] /sentence in English/
  236. ±— Δ [§®§§§Ÿ§§] /England-America/
  237. ±—œ¬ [§®§§§Ô] /English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)/
  238. ±◊ª“ [§fi§π§≥] /Masuko (pl)/
  239. ±fl [§®§Û] /Yen/
  240. ±flπ‚ [§®§Û§¿§´] /high-valued yen/
  241. ±Ï¡ [§ø§–§≥] /cigarettes/
  242. ±Û§§ [§»§™§§] /far/distant/
  243. ±ˆ [§∑§™] /salt/
  244. ≤°§π [§™§π] /to push/
  245. ≤£…Õ [§Ë§≥§œ§fi] /Yokohama/
  246. ≤رfl [§™§Ø§®§Û] /100,000,000 yen/
  247. ≤º§Í [§Ø§¿§Í] /down-train (going away from Tokyo)/
  248. ≤º√ [§∑§ø§Æ] /underwear/
  249. ≤æÃæ [§´§ ] /Japanese alphabet/
  250. ≤ø [§ §À] /what/
  251. ≤ø≤Û [§ §Û§´§§] /how many times?/
  252. ≤ø∏Œ [§ §º] /why/how/
  253. ≤øª˛ [§§§ƒ] /when/
  254. ≤øª˛§‚ [§§§ƒ§‚] /always/
  255. ≤øΩË [§…§≥] /what place/where/
  256. ≤øΩ˧‚ [§…§≥§‚] /everywhere/
  257. ≤ƒæ–§∑§§ [§™§´§∑§§] /strange/amusing/
  258. ≤ƒ«Ω [§´§Œ§¶] /possible (an)/practicable/
  259. ≤ƒ«Ω¿≠ [§´§Œ§¶§ª§§] /potentiality/
  260. ≤» [§§§®] /house/
  261. ≤»ªˆ [§´§∏] /housework/
  262. ≤»ƒÌ [§´§Δ§§] /home/family/household/
  263. ≤»Δ‚ [§´§ §§] /wife (hum)/
  264. ≤À [§“§fi] /free time (an)/leisure/leave/
  265. ≤Œ§¶ [§¶§ø§¶] /to sing/
  266. ≤œ [§¨§Ô] /Gawa (pl)/
  267. ≤– [§“] /fire/flame/blaze/
  268. ≤–fl˝ [§≥§ø§ƒ] /table with heater/
  269. ≤÷ [§œ§ ] /flower/
  270. ≤·§¥§π [§π§¥§π] /to pass/to spend/to go through/to go too far/
  271. ≤Ê°π [§Ô§Ï§Ô§Ï] /we/
  272. ≤ÊÀ˝ [§¨§fi§Û] /patience (vs)/endurance/
  273. ≤Ê–÷ [§Ô§¨§fi§fi] /selfishness (an)/egoism/
  274. ≤Ò§¶ [§¢§¶] /to meet/
  275. ≤Ò∞˜ [§´§§§§§Û] /member/
  276. ≤Òµƒ [§´§§§Æ] /meeting/conference/session/
  277. ≤Òº“ [§´§§§∑§„] /company/corporation/
  278. ≤Ò√à[§´§§§¿§Û] /conversation/conference/
  279. ≤¯§∑§§ [§¢§‰§∑§§] /suspicious/dubious/doubtful/
  280. ≤¯≤Ê [§±§¨] /injury/
  281. ≥§ [§¶§fl] /sea/beach/
  282. ≥§≥∞ [§´§§§¨§§] /foreign/abroad/overseas/
  283. ≥ß [§fl§Û§ ] /everyone/
  284. ≥®À‹ [§®§€§Û] /picture book/
  285. ≥∞µ§ [§¨§§§≠] /open air/
  286. ≥ÿ§÷ [§fi§ §÷] /to study in depth/
  287. ≥ÿ±‡ [§¨§Ø§®§Û] /academy/campus/
  288. ≥ÿ¥¸ [§¨§√§≠] /term (school)/
  289. ≥ÿπª [§¨§√§≥§¶] /school/
  290. ≥ÿ¿∏ [§¨§Ø§ª§§] /student/
  291. ≥ÿ…Ù [§¨§Ø§÷] /department of a university/undergraduate/
  292. ≥ÿ…Ùƒπ [§¨§Ø§÷§¡§Á§¶] /dean/
  293. ≥⁄±‡ [§È§Ø§®§Û] /pleasure garden/
  294. ≥‰¥™ [§Ô§Í§´§Û] /Dutch treat/
  295. ≥‰πÁ [§Ô§Í§¢§§] /rate/relatively/comparatively/
  296. ≥‰π˛§fl [§Ô§Í§≥§fl] /an interrupt/
  297. ≥ͧΠ[§π§Ÿ§Î] /to slide/
  298. ¥∂§∏ [§´§Û§∏] /feeling/sense/impression/
  299. ¥∂§∏§Î [§´§Û§∏§Î] /to feel/
  300. ¥∂º’ [§´§Û§∑§„] /thanks (vs) (an)/gratitude/
  301. ¥¿ [§¢§ª] /sweat/perspiration/
  302. ¥¡ª˙ [§´§Û§∏] /Chinese characters/
  303. ¥≈§§ [§¢§fi§§] /sweet/
  304. ¥≈§®§Î [§¢§fi§®§Î] /to behave like a spoiled child/to fawn on/
  305. ¥ √± [§´§Û§ø§Û] /simple/
  306. ¥—∏˜ [§´§Û§≥§¶] /sightseeing (vs)/
  307. ¥—∏˜√œ [§´§Û§≥§¶§¡] /sight-seeing area/
  308. ¥÷ [§¢§§§¿] /space/interval/
  309. ¥÷§ÀπÁ§¶ [§fi§À§¢§¶] /to be in time for/
  310. ¥÷§‚§ §Ø [§fi§‚§ §Ø] /soon/before long/
  311. ¥÷∞„ [§fi§¡§¨] /make a mistake/
  312. ¥÷∞„§§ [§fi§¡§¨§§] /mistake/
  313. ¥÷∞„§®§Î [§fi§¡§¨§®§Î] /to err/to make a mistake/
  314. ¥‰ [§§§Ô] /rock/
  315. ¥Î∂» [§≠§Æ§Á§¶] /enterprise/undertaking/
  316. ¥Ì§ §§ [§¢§÷§ §§] /dangerous/
  317. ¥Ì∏± [§≠§±§Û] /danger/peril/hazard/
  318. ¥Ó§÷ [§Ë§Ì§≥§÷] /to be delighted/to be glad/
  319. ¥ˆ§È [§§§Ø§È] /how much?/how many?/
  320. µ°≤Ò [§≠§´§§] /chance/opportunity/
  321. µ°≥£ [§≠§´§§] /machine/mechanism/
  322. µ§ª˝ [§≠§‚§¡] /feeling/mood/
  323. µß§Í [§§§Œ§Í] /prayer/supplication/
  324. µ®¿· [§≠§ª§ƒ] /season/
  325. µ≠œø [§≠§Ì§Ø] /record/minutes/document/
  326. µÆ ˝ [§¢§ §ø] /you (hum)/
  327. µπ§∑§Ø [§Ë§Ì§∑§Ø] /well (id)/properly/suitably/best regards/please remember me/
  328. µªΩ— [§Æ§∏§Â§ƒ] /art/technique/technology/
  329. µªΩ—º‘ [§Æ§∏§Â§ƒ§∑§„] /engineer/
  330. µ¿±‡ [§Æ§™§Û] /Gion (pl)/
  331. µ¡Õ˝ [§Æ§Í] /duty/sense of duty/honor/decency/courtesy/debt of gratitude/
  332. µ¬ [§¢§Í] /ant/
  333. µƒœ¿ [§Æ§Ì§Û] /argument/discussion/dispute/
  334. µΔ [§≠§Ø] /chrysanthemum/
  335. µ √„≈π [§≠§√§µ§Δ§Û] /coffee lounge/
  336. µ’§µ§fi [§µ§´§µ§fi] /inversion (an)/
  337. µ‹∫Í∏© [§fl§‰§∂§≠§±§Û] /Miyazakiken (pl)/
  338. µ‹¬Ù [§fl§‰§∂§Ô] /Miyazawa (pl)/
  339. µÌ [§¶§∑] /cattle/cow/
  340. µÔ§Î [§§§Î] /to be (animate)/
  341. µÔ¥÷ [§§§fi] /living room (western style)/
  342. µ˘∂» [§Æ§Á§Æ§Á§¶] /fishing (industry)/
  343. µ˚ [§µ§´§ ] /fish/
  344. µ˛¬Á [§≠§Á§¶§¿§§] /Kyoto University/
  345. ∂•«œ [§±§§§–] /horse racing/
  346. ∂ا§ [§ƒ§Ë§§] /strong/powerful/mighty/
  347. ∂≤§È§Ø [§™§Ω§È§Ø] /perhaps/
  348. ∂≤§Ï§Î [§™§Ω§Ï§Î] /to fear/to be afraid of/
  349. ∂≤§Ì§∑§§ [§™§Ω§Ì§∑§§] /terrible/dreadful/
  350. ∂µ≤Ò [§≠§Á§¶§´§§] /church/
  351. ∂µª’ [§≠§Á§¶§∑] /teacher (classroom)/
  352. ∂µºº [§≠§Á§¶§∑§ƒ] /classroom/
  353. ∂∂ [§œ§∑] /bridge/
  354. ∂∏§§ [§Ø§Î§§] /deviation/confusion/disorder/
  355. ∂𧧠[§ª§fi§§] /narrow/confined/small/
  356. ∂Ω ≥ [§≥§¶§’§Û] /excitement/stimulation/agitation/
  357. ∂√§Ø [§™§…§Ì§Ø] /to be surprised/
  358. ∂ §¨§Î [§fi§¨§Î] /to turn/
  359. ∂à[§ø§fi] /ball/sphere/
  360. ∂ÿ§∏§Î [§≠§Û§∏§Î] /to prohibit/
  361. ∂ÿªfl [§≠§Û§∑] /prohibition/ban/
  362. ∂⁄Δ˘ [§≠§Û§À§Ø] /muscle/sinew/
  363. ∂·§§ [§¡§´§§] /near/close by/short/
  364. ∂‚ [§≠§Û] /gold/
  365. ∂‚ [§´§Õ] /money/metal/
  366. ∂‚ª“ [§´§Õ§≥] /Kaneko (pn)/
  367. ∂‚ª˝§¡ [§´§Õ§‚§¡] /rich man/
  368. ∂‚»± [§≠§Û§—§ƒ] /blond hair/
  369. ∂‚ÕÀ [§≠§Û§Ë§¶] /Fri/
  370. ∂‚ÕÀΔ¸ [§≠§Û§Ë§¶§”] /Friday/
  371. ∂‰ [§Æ§Û] /silver/
  372. ∂‰π‘ [§Æ§Û§≥§¶] /bank/
  373. ∂ϧ§ [§À§¨§§] /bitter/
  374. ∂ϧ∑§§ [§Ø§Î§∑§§] /painful/difficult/
  375. ∂Ò¬Œ [§∞§ø§§] /concrete/tangible/material/
  376. ∂ı [§Ω§È] /sky/
  377. ∂ıºÍ [§´§È§Δ] /karate/
  378. ∑§ [§Ø§ƒ] /shoes/footwear/
  379. ∑´§Í ÷§π [§Ø§Í§´§®§π] /to repeat/
  380. ∑Ø [§≠§fl] /you (pl,fem)/
  381. ∑ª [§¢§À] /older brother (hum)/
  382. ∑ªƒÔ [§≠§Á§¶§¿§§] /siblings (hum)/
  383. ∑¿ÃÛ [§±§§§‰§Ø] /contract/compact/agreement/
  384. ∑¡ [§´§ø§¡] /form/shape/figure/
  385. ∑⁄§§ [§´§Î§§] /light (adj)/
  386. ∑›º‘ [§≤§§§∑§„] /geisha/
  387. ∑fl [§Ø§∏§È] /whale/
  388. ∑˧∑§Δ [§±§√§∑§Δ] /never/by no means/
  389. ∑˧fi§Î [§≠§fi§Î] /to be decided/
  390. ∑˧·§Î [§≠§·§Î] /to decide/
  391. ∑Ë√« [§±§ƒ§¿§Û] /decision/determination/
  392. ∑˃͠[§±§√§Δ§§] /decision/determination/
  393. ∑Í [§¢§ ] /hole/
  394. ∑Ï [§¡] /blood/
  395. ∑Ó [§ƒ§≠] /moon/month/
  396. ∑ˆ≤fi [§±§Û§´] /quarrel/(drunken) brawl/
  397. ∑¯§§ [§´§ø§§] /hard/tough/
  398. ∑˘ [§§§‰] /disagreeable (an)/unpleasant/reluctant/
  399. ∑˘§§ [§≠§È§§] /dislike (an)/hate/
  400. ∑˘§È§∑§§ [§§§‰§È§∑§§] /unpleasant/disgusting/repulsive/indecent/lewd/dirty/lascivious/
  401. ∑˙§Δ§Î [§ø§Δ§Î] /to build/
  402. ∏§ [§§§Ã] /dog/
  403. ∏© [§±§Û] /prefecture/
  404. ∏™ [§´§ø] /shoulder/
  405. ∏™∂≈§Í [§´§ø§≥§Í] /stiff shoulders/
  406. ∏´§®§Î [§fl§®§Î] /to be visible/
  407. ∏´§ª§Î [§fl§ª§Î] /to show/
  408. ∏´§ƒ§±§Î [§fl§ƒ§±§Î] /to find out/to discover/
  409. ∏´§ƒ§·§Î [§fl§ƒ§·§Î] /to stare at/to gaze at/to look hard at/to watch intently/to fix one's eyes on/
  410. ∏´§Î [§fl§Î] /to see/to watch/
  411. ∏´ ˝ [§fl§´§ø] /viewpoint/
  412. ∏´À‹ [§fl§€§Û] /sample/
  413. ∏∞ [§´§Æ] /key/
  414. ∏µ°π [§‚§»§‚§»] /originally/by nature/from the start/
  415. ∏µµ§ [§≤§Û§≠] /health(y)/robust/
  416. ∏∂Õ˝ [§≤§Û§Í] /principle/
  417. ∏∂Œ¡ [§≤§Û§Í§Á§¶] /raw materials/
  418. ∏∑§∑§§ [§≠§”§∑§§] /strict/
  419. ∏Ωº¬ [§≤§Û§∏§ƒ] /reality/
  420. ∏¿§¶ [§§§¶] /to say/
  421. ∏¿∏Ï [§≤§Û§¥] /language/
  422. ∏¿∏Ï≥ÿ [§≤§Û§¥§¨§Ø] /linguistics/
  423. ∏¿∏Ï≥ÿº‘ [§≤§Û§¥§¨§Ø§∑§„] /linguist/
  424. ∏¿Õ’ [§≥§»§–] /word(s)/language/speech/
  425. ∏≈§§ [§’§Î§§] /old (not person)/aged/
  426. ∏«§§ [§´§ø§§] /hard/
  427. ∏«§fi§Î [§´§ø§fi§Î] /to settle/
  428. ∏– [§fl§∫§¶§fl] /lake/
  429. ∏fi [§¥] /5/five/
  430. ∏ [§¢§»] /after/
  431. ∏§« [§¢§»§«] /afterwards/
  432. ∏§̠[§¶§∑§Ì] /back/behind/rear/
  433. ∏«⁄ [§≥§¶§œ§§] /junior/
  434. ∏Ì≤Ú [§¥§´§§] /misunderstanding/
  435. ∏Ú»÷ [§≥§¶§–§Û] /police box/
  436. ∏¯±‡ [§≥§¶§®§Û] /(public) park/
  437. ∏¯Ω∞≈≈œ√ [§≥§¶§∑§Â§¶§«§Û§Ô] /public telephone/
  438. ∏¸§§ [§¢§ƒ§§] /thick/heavy/bulky/
  439. ∏˝ [§Ø§¡] /mouth/
  440. ∏˝≈´ [§Ø§¡§÷§®] /whistle/
  441. ∏˛§´§¶ [§‡§´§¶] /to face/to go towards/
  442. ∏˛§Ø [§‡§Ø] /to face/
  443. ∏˛§≥§¶ [§‡§≥§¶] /opposite direction/the other party/beyond/
  444. π¢ [§Œ§…] /throat/
  445. π©≥ÿ [§≥§¶§¨§Ø] /engineering/
  446. π©æÏ [§≥§¶§∏§Á§¶] /factory/plant/mill/
  447. π≠§§ [§“§Ì§§] /spacious/vast/wide/
  448. π≠§fi§Î [§“§Ì§fi§Î] /to spread/to be propogated/
  449. π≠§·§Î [§“§Ì§·§Î] /to broaden/to propagate/
  450. π»√„ [§≥§¶§¡§„] /black tea/
  451. π»Õ’ [§≥§¶§Ë§¶] /autumn colours/
  452. π‘§Ø [§§§Ø] /to go/
  453. 𑧠§¶ [§™§≥§ §¶] /to perform/to carry out/
  454. πfl§Î [§’§Î] /to precipitate/to fall (e.g. rain)/
  455. πfl§Ì§π [§™§Ì§π] /to take down/to lower/to let (a person) off/
  456. π‚§§ [§ø§´§§] /tall/high/expensive/
  457. π‚§µ [§ø§´§µ] /height/
  458. πÁ§¶ [§¢§¶] /to fit/
  459. πÁ§Ô§ª§Î [§¢§Ô§ª§Î] /to put together/to set/to face/
  460. πÁ∑◊ [§¥§¶§±§§] /sum total (vs)/total amount/
  461. πÒ [§Ø§À] /country/
  462. πÒ¿“ [§≥§Ø§ª§≠] /nationality/
  463. πÒ≈¥ [§≥§Ø§Δ§ƒ] /national railway/
  464. πÒŒ© [§≥§Ø§Í§ƒ] /national/
  465. πÒœ¢ [§≥§Ø§Ï§Û] /U.N./United Nations/
  466. πı§§ [§Ø§Ì§§] /black/
  467. πıª˙ [§Ø§Ì§∏] /balance (figure) in the black/
  468. π˚§Ï§Î [§€§Ï§Î] /to fall in love/to be in love/
  469. π¸ [§€§Õ] /bone/
  470. ∫£ [§§§fi] /now/
  471. ∫§§Î [§≥§fi§Î] /to be worried/to be bothered/
  472. ∫§ΔÒ [§≥§Û§ §Û] /difficulty/distress/
  473. ∫ßÃÛ [§≥§Û§‰§Ø] /engagement (vs)/betrothal/
  474. ∫®§‡ [§¶§È§‡] /to curse/to feel bitter/
  475. ∫∏ [§“§¿§Í] /left hand side/
  476. ∫∏±¶ [§µ§Ê§¶] /left and right/
  477. ∫π [§µ] /difference/variation/
  478. ∫π§∑π˛§‡ [§µ§∑§≥§‡] /to insert/to put in/to thrust in/to plug in/to shine in/to flow in/
  479. ∫Ω≈¸ [§µ§»§¶] /sugar/
  480. ∫Ω«˘ [§µ§–§Ø] /desert/
  481. ∫ø [§Ø§µ§Í] /chain/
  482. ∫¬§Î [§π§Ô§Î] /to sit/
  483. ∫Δ§” [§’§ø§ø§”] /again/once more/
  484. ∫«¬Á [§µ§§§¿§§] /greatest/largest/maximum/
  485. ∫«ƒ„ [§µ§§§Δ§§] /the least/
  486. ∫  [§ƒ§fi] /wife (hum)/
  487. ∫◊§Í [§fi§ƒ§Í] /festival/
  488. ∫Ÿ§§ [§€§Ω§§] /thin/slender/fine/
  489. ∫Ÿ§´§§ [§≥§fi§´§§] /small/fine/minute/
  490. ∫‹§ª§Î [§Œ§ª§Î] /to place on top of/to load (luggage)/to publish/to run (an ad)/to record/
  491. ∫‹§Î [§Œ§Î] /to appear (in print)/to be recorded/
  492. ∫fl§Î [§¢§Î] /to live/to be (animate)/
  493. ∫‚…€ [§µ§§§’] /purse/wallet/
  494. ∫‰ [§µ§´] /slope/hill/
  495. ∫ȧؠ[§µ§Ø] /to bloom/
  496. ∫Î∂à[§µ§§§ø§fi] /Saitama (pn)/
  497. ∫Ó≤» [§µ§√§´] /author/writer/
  498. ∫Ó∂» [§µ§Æ§Á§¶] /work/operation/
  499. ∫ÚΔ¸ [§≠§Œ§¶] /yesterday/
  500. ∫ÚÃΠ[§Ê§¶§Ÿ] /last night/
  501. ∫˘ [§µ§Ø§È] /cherry blossom/
  502. ª£§Î [§»§Î] /to take (photo)/
  503. ª•À⁄ [§µ§√§›§Ì] /Sapporo (pn)/
  504. ª¶§π [§≥§Ì§π] /to kill/
  505. ª¶øÕ [§µ§ƒ§∏§Û] /murder/
  506. ª®ªÔ [§∂§√§∑] /journal/magazine/
  507. ª∞ [§µ§Û] /3/three/
  508. ª≤πÕΩÒ [§µ§Û§≥§¶§∑§Á] /reference book/
  509. ª≥ [§‰§fi] /mountain/
  510. ª∂ ‚ [§µ§Û§›] /walk (vs)/stroll/
  511. ª∫§‡ [§¶§‡] /to give birth/to deliver/
  512. ª∫∂» [§µ§Û§Æ§Á§¶] /industry/
  513. ª¿§√§—§§ [§π§√§—§§] /sour/acid/
  514. ª√§Ø [§∑§–§È§Ø] /a little while/
  515. ªƒ§π [§Œ§≥§π] /to leave (behind, over)/
  516. ªƒ§Î [§Œ§≥§Î] /to remain/to be left/
  517. ªƒ∂» [§∂§Û§Æ§Á§¶] /overtime (vs)/
  518. ªƒ«∞ [§∂§Û§Õ§Û] /deplorable (an)/bad luck/regret/disappointment/
  519. ª≈ªˆ [§∑§¥§»] /work (vs)/occupation/
  520. ª≈…’ [§∑§ƒ§±] /manners/
  521. ª≈ ˝ [§∑§´§ø] /way/method/means/
  522. ª≈ ˝§¨Ãµ§§ [§∑§´§ø§¨§ §§] /it can't be helped (id)/
  523. ª≈ÕÕ [§∑§Ë§¶] /way/method/resource/remedy/help/
  524. ªΔ«≠ [§≥§Õ§≥] /kitten/
  525. ª«§¶ [§¶§´§¨§¶] /to ask/to visit (hon)/
  526. ª»§¶ [§ƒ§´§¶] /to use/
  527. ª»Õ— [§∑§Ë§¶] /use (vs)/application/employment/
  528. ª…§π [§µ§π] /to pierce/to stab/to prick/
  529. ªœ§·§fi§∑§Δ [§œ§∏§·§fi§∑§Δ] /How do you do?/
  530. ªœ§·§Î [§œ§∏§·§Î] /to start (vt)/to begin/
  531. ª– [§¢§Õ] /older sister (hum)/
  532. ª— [§π§¨§ø] /figure/shape/appearance/
  533. ª—¿™ [§∑§ª§§] /attitude/posture/
  534. ª“ [§≥] /child/
  535. ª“∏§ [§≥§§§Ã] /puppy/
  536. ª“ºÈ [§≥§‚§Í] /babysitter/
  537. ª‘ [§∑] /city/
  538. ª◊§§ [§™§‚§§] /thought/mind/heart/feelings/emotion/sentiment/love/affection/desire/wish/hope/expectation/imagination/experience/
  539. ª◊§§…’§Ø [§™§‚§§§ƒ§Ø] /to think of/
  540. ª◊§¶ [§™§‚§¶] /to think/to feel/
  541. ª◊§®§Î [§™§‚§®§Î] /to be able to think/
  542. ª◊§Ô§Ï§Î [§™§‚§Ô§Ï§Î] /to seem/to appear/
  543. ªÿ [§Ê§”] /finger/
  544. ªÿ§π [§µ§π] /to point/to put up umbrella/to play/
  545. ªÿ∞µ [§∑§¢§ƒ] /finger pressure massage or therapy/
  546. ªŸµÎ [§∑§≠§Â§¶] /payment/allowance/
  547. ªŸ≈π [§∑§Δ§Û] /branch store (office)/
  548. ªŸ ß [§∑§œ§È§§] /payment/
  549. ªfl§‡ [§‰§‡] /to cease (vi)/to stop/to be over/
  550. ªfl§·§Î [§»§·§Î] /to stop (something)/
  551. ªfl§·§Î [§‰§·§Î] /to end (vt)/to stop/to cease/to resign/
  552. ª‡§Ã [§∑§Ã] /to die/
  553. ª‰ [§Ô§ø§∑] /I/
  554. ªÂ [§§§»] /thread/yarn/string/
  555. ªÊ [§´§fl] /paper/
  556. ªÒ∏ª [§∑§≤§Û] /resources/
  557. ªÙ§¶ [§´§¶] /to keep/to raise/to feed/
  558. ªı [§œ] /tooth/
  559. ªı§¨§Ê§§ [§œ§¨§Ê§§] /impatient/irritated/
  560. ªı∞º‘ [§œ§§§∑§„] /dentist/
  561. ªˆ [§≥§»] /matter/thing/
  562. ªˆ∂» [§∏§Æ§Á§¶] /project/enterprise/
  563. ªˆ∑Ô [§∏§±§Û] /event/affair/incident/
  564. ªˆ∏Œ [§∏§≥] /accident/
  565. ªˆº¬ [§∏§∏§ƒ] /fact/truth/
  566. ªˆæ› [§∏§∑§Á§¶] /phenomenon/
  567. ªˆæ [§∏§∏§Á§¶] /circumstances/consideration/conditions/
  568. ªˆ¡∞ [§∏§º§Û] /beforehand/in advance/
  569. ªˆ≈µ [§∏§Δ§Û] /cyclopedia/
  570. ªˆ ™ [§∏§÷§ƒ] /things/affairs/
  571. ªˆÃ≥ [§∏§‡] /business/office work/
  572. ªˆÃ≥∞˜ [§∏§‡§§§Û] /clerk/
  573. ªˆÃ≥ΩÍ [§∏§‡§∑§Á] /office/
  574. ª˜§Î [§À§Î] /to resemble/to be similar/
  575. ª˜πÁ§¶ [§À§¢§¶] /to suit/to match/
  576. ª˙ [§∏] /character/hand-writing/
  577. ª˚ [§Δ§È] /temple/
  578. ª˝§¡π˛§‡ [§‚§¡§≥§‡] /to lodge (vt)/to take something into ../
  579. ª˝§¡Ω–§π [§‚§¡§¿§π] /to take out/to carry out/
  580. ª˝§¡ ™ [§‚§¡§‚§Œ] /one's property/personal effects/
  581. ª˝§ƒ [§‚§ƒ] /to hold/to possess/to carry/
  582. ª˝§Δ§Î [§‚§Δ§Î] /to own/to be able to have/
  583. ª˛ [§»§≠] /time/hour/occasion/
  584. ª˛°π [§»§≠§…§≠] /sometimes/
  585. ª˛¥÷ [§∏§´§Û] /time/
  586. ª˛∫𧋧± [§∏§µ§‹§±] /jet lag/
  587. º° [§ƒ§Æ] /next/
  588. º®§π [§∑§·§π] /to show/to point out/to indicate/
  589. º™ [§fl§fl] /ear/
  590. º´∏ æ“≤ [§∏§≥§∑§Á§¶§´§§] /self-introduction (vs)/
  591. º´¡≥ [§∑§º§Û] /nature/
  592. º´¡≥§À [§∑§º§Û§À] /naturally/spontaneously/
  593. º´Δ∞ [§∏§…§¶] /automatic/self-motion/
  594. º´Δ∞º÷ [§∏§…§¶§∑§„] /automobile/
  595. º´À˝ [§∏§fi§Û] /pride (vs)/boast/
  596. º´Õ≥ [§∏§Ê§¶] /freedom/liberty/
  597. º´Õ≥§À [§∏§Ê§¶§À] /freely/
  598. º≠ΩÒ [§∏§∑§Á] /dictionary/
  599. º≠≈µ [§∏§Δ§Û] /dictionary/
  600. ºØ [§∑§´] /deer/
  601. º∑ [§∑§¡] /7/seven/
  602. º∏§Î [§∑§´§Î] /to scold/
  603. º∫§¶ [§¶§∑§ §¶] /to lose/to part with/
  604. º∫§Ø§π [§ §Ø§π] /to lose something/
  605. º∫«‘ [§∑§√§—§§] /failure (vs)/mistake/
  606. ºº [§∑§ƒ] /room/
  607. º¬∫› [§∏§√§µ§§] /practical/actual condition/status quo/
  608. º÷ [§Ø§Î§fi] /car/vehicle/wheel/
  609. ºÿ [§ÿ§”] /snake/serpent/
  610. º„§§ [§Ô§´§§] /young/
  611. ºÂ§§ [§Ë§Ô§§] /weak/frail/delicate/
  612. ºË§Íæ√§∑ [§»§Í§±§∑] /cancellation/
  613. ºË§Íæ√§π [§»§Í§±§π] /to cancel/
  614. ºË§Î [§»§Î] /to take/to pick up/to harvest/
  615. ºË§Ï§Î [§»§Ï§Î] /to come off/to be taken off/to be removed/to be obtained/to leave/to come out (e.g. photo)/to be interpreted/
  616. ºÈ§Î [§fi§‚§Î] /to protect/to obey/
  617. ºÍ [§Δ] /hand/
  618. ºÍªÊ [§Δ§¨§fl] /letter/
  619. ºÛ [§Ø§”] /neck/
  620. ºı§±§Î [§¶§±§Î] /to undertake/
  621. Ω© [§¢§≠] /autumn/fall/
  622. Ω™§Í [§™§Ô§Í] /end/
  623. Ω™§Ô§Í [§™§Ô§Í] /the end/
  624. Ω™§Ô§Î [§™§Ô§Î] /to finish/to close/
  625. Ω¨§¶ [§ §È§¶] /to learn/
  626. Ω¨¥∑ [§∑§Â§¶§´§Û] /custom/habit/manners/
  627. Ω≠§§ [§Ø§µ§§] /stinking/
  628. Ω≠§§ [§À§™§§] /smell/odour/fragrance/
  629. Ω≥§Î [§±§Î] /to kick/
  630. Ωµ [§∑§Â§¶] /week/
  631. Ωµ¥© [§∑§Â§¶§´§Û] /published weekly/
  632. Ωµ¥÷ [§∑§Â§¶§´§Û] /week/weekly/
  633. ΩΩ [§∏§Â§¶] /10/ten/
  634. Ωæ∑ª [§§§»§≥] /cousin (male, elder than the writer)/
  635. Ω¿§È§´§§ [§‰§Ô§È§´§§] /soft/tender/
  636. Ω¿Δª [§∏§Â§¶§…§¶] /judo/
  637. Ω≈§§ [§™§‚§§] /heavy/
  638. Ω≈§µ [§™§‚§µ] /weight/
  639. ΩÀ§§ [§§§Ô§§] /celebration/
  640. ΩÀ§¶ [§§§Ô§¶] /to congratulate/to celebrate/
  641. ΩŒ [§∏§Â§Ø] /coaching school/lessons/
  642. Ω–§´§±§Î [§«§´§±§Î] /to go out/
  643. Ω–§π [§¿§π] /to put out/to send/
  644. Ω–§Î [§«§Î] /to appear/to come forth/ to leave/
  645. Ω–∂– [§∑§Â§√§≠§Û] /go to work/
  646. Ω–Δ˛∏˝ [§«§§§Í§∞§¡] /exit and entrance/
  647. Ω“§Ÿ§Î [§Œ§Ÿ§Î] /to state/to express/to mention/
  648. Ω‡»˜ [§∏§Â§Û§”] /preparation/arrangements/
  649. ΩÁ»÷ [§∏§Â§Û§–§Û] /turn (in line)/
  650. Ωȧ· [§œ§∏§·] /beginning/
  651. Ωȧ·§Δ [§œ§∏§·§Δ] /for the first time/
  652. ΩÍ [§»§≥§Ì] /place/
  653. Ωͧ« [§»§≥§Ì§«] /by the way/
  654. ΩΧ§ [§¢§ƒ§§] /hot/warm/
  655. Ωҧؠ[§´§Ø] /to write/
  656. Ωı§´§Î [§ø§π§´§Î] /to be saved/
  657. Ωı§±§Δ [§ø§π§±§Δ] /help!/
  658. Ω˜ [§™§Û§ ] /woman/
  659. Ω˜§Œª“ [§™§Û§ §Œ§≥] /girl/
  660. Ω˜§ŒøÕ [§™§Û§ §Œ§“§»] /woman/
  661. Ω˜¿≠ [§∏§Á§ª§§] /woman/
  662. æ°§ƒ [§´§ƒ] /to win/
  663. æƧµ§§ [§¡§§§µ§§] /small/tiny/
  664. æƪÿ [§≥§Ê§”] /little finger/
  665. æا∑ [§π§≥§∑] /a little/
  666. æا §§ [§π§Ø§ §§] /few/
  667. æØΩ˜ [§∑§Á§∏§Á] /girl/
  668. æ≤ [§Ê§´] /floor/
  669. æ√§®§Î [§≠§®§Î] /to go out/to vanish/
  670. æ√§∑•¥•‡ [§±§∑§¥§‡] /eraser/india rubber/
  671. æ√§π [§±§π] /to erase/to delete/to turn off power/
  672. æΔ§≠§Ω§– [§‰§≠§Ω§–] /fried soba/
  673. æΔ§≠ƒª [§‰§≠§»§Í] /grilled chicken/
  674. æΔ§Ø [§‰§Ø] /to bake/to grill/
  675. æΔ§±§Î [§‰§±§Î] /to burn (vi)/to be roasted/to be sunburnt/
  676. æ [§¶§®] /above/over/on top of/
  677. 槨§Î [§¢§¨§Î] /to enter/to go up/
  678. æ§≤§Î [§¢§≤§Î] /to give/
  679. æº͠[§∏§Á§¶§∫] /skilful/
  680. æÂ√ [§¶§Ô§Æ] /coat/jacket/
  681. æÂ≈ƒ [§¶§®§¿] /Ueda (pn)/
  682. æ˧Π[§Œ§Î] /to get on/to ride in/
  683. æΠ[§∑§Ì] /castle/
  684. æÏπÁ [§–§¢§§] /case/
  685. æÏΩÍ [§–§∑§Á] /place/location/
  686. ø°§Ø [§’§Ø] /to wipe/to dry/
  687. ø¢§®§Î [§¶§®§Î] /to plant/to grow/
  688. ø¢≈ƒ [§¶§®§¿] /Ueda (pl)/
  689. øß [§§§Ì] /colour/
  690. øß°π [§§§Ì§§§Ì] /various (an)/
  691. ø®§Î [§µ§Ô§Î] /touch/feel/
  692. ø®§Ï§Î [§’§Ï§Î] /to touch/to feel/
  693. ø©§¶ [§Ø§¶] /to eat (vulg)/
  694. ø©§Ÿ§Î [§ø§Ÿ§Î] /to eat/
  695. ø©§Ÿ ™ [§ø§Ÿ§‚§Œ] /food/
  696. ø©ªˆ [§∑§Á§Ø§∏] /meal (vs)/
  697. ø©Œ¡ [§∑§Á§Ø§Í§Á§¶] /food/
  698. ø≠§–§π [§Œ§–§π] /to stretch (vt)/to extend/
  699. ø≠§”§Î [§Œ§”§Î] /to stretch (vi)/to extend/to make progress/
  700. ø¥ [§≥§≥§Ì] /mind/heart/spirit/
  701. ø¥Õ˝ [§∑§Û§Í] /mentality/
  702. ø¥Õ˝≥ÿ [§∑§Û§Í§¨§Ø] /psychology/
  703. ø∂§Í≤æÃæ [§’§Í§¨§ ] /furigana/pronunciation key/
  704. ø∂§ÍΩ–§π [§’§Í§¿§π] /to begin to rain/
  705. ø∂§Î [§’§Î] /to wave/to shake/to swing/to cast (actor)/
  706. ø∑§∑§§ [§¢§ø§È§∑§§] /new/
  707. ø∑§ø [§¢§È§ø] /new/fresh/novel (an)/
  708. ø∑≥„∏© [§À§§§¨§ø§±§Û] /Niigataken (pl)/
  709. øπ [§‚§Í] /forest/
  710. øπ≈ƒ [§‚§Í§ø] /Morita (pl)/
  711. øΩ§∑π˛§fl [§‚§¶§∑§≥§fl] /application/entry/
  712. øΩ§∑Ãı [§‚§¶§∑§Ô§±] /apology/excuse/
  713. ø…§§ [§´§È§§] /spicy/salty/
  714. ø §‡ [§π§π§‡] /to make progress (vi)/to advance/to improve/
  715. ø §·§Î [§π§π§·§Î] /to advance (vt)/to promote/to hasten/
  716. ø  ‚ [§∑§Û§›] /progress (vs)/development/
  717. øÀ [§œ§Í] /needle/fish hook/pointer/hand (e.g. clock)/
  718. øÕ [§“§»] /person/
  719. øÕ°π [§“§»§”§»] /people/
  720. øÕ¥÷ [§À§Û§≤§Û] /human being/
  721. øÕµ§ [§À§Û§≠] /popular/
  722. øÕ∑¡ [§À§Û§Æ§Á§¶] /doll/
  723. øÕ∏˝ [§∏§Û§≥§¶] /population/
  724. øÕª¶§∑ [§“§»§¥§Ì§∑] /murder/murderer/
  725. øÕª≤ [§À§Û§∏§Û] /carrot/
  726. øÕ«» [§“§»§ §fl] /surging crowd/
  727. øÕ ™ [§∏§Û§÷§ƒ] /character/personality/
  728. øÕŒ‡ [§∏§Û§Î§§] /mankind/humanity/
  729. ø [§fl§∫] /water/
  730. ø±À [§π§§§®§§] /swimming (vs)/
  731. øÙ [§´§∫] /number/figure/
  732. øÙ≤Û [§π§¶§´§§] /few (several) times/
  733. ¿§ [§Ë] /world/society/age/
  734. ¿§≥¶ [§ª§´§§] /world/
  735. ¿§µ™ [§ª§§§≠] /century/
  736. ¿§¬Â [§ª§¿§§] /generation/
  737. ¿§œ√ [§ª§Ô] /looking after/help/aid/
  738. ¿ß»Û [§º§“] /certainly/without fail/
  739. ¿®§§ [§π§¥§§] /horrible/masterly/
  740. ¿≠≥  [§ª§§§´§Ø] /character/personality/
  741. ¿Æ§Î [§ §Î] /to become/
  742. ¿Æ±© [§ §Í§Ô] /Nariwa (pl)/
  743. ¿Æ≈ƒ [§ §Í§ø] /Narita (pl)/
  744. ¿Øº£ [§ª§§§∏] /politics/government/
  745. ¿Øº£≤» [§ª§§§∏§´] /politician/statesman/
  746. ¿Øº£≈™ [§ª§§§∏§Δ§≠] /political/
  747. ¿∞Õ˝ [§ª§§§Í] /sorting (vs)/arrangement/adjustment/regulation/
  748. ¿± [§€§∑] /star/
  749. ¿≤§Ï [§œ§Ï] /clear weather/
  750. ¿≤§Ï§Î [§œ§Ï§Î] /to be sunny/to clear away/to stop raining/
  751. ¿≤≥§ [§œ§Î§fl] /Harumi (pl)/
  752. ¿µ§∑§§ [§ø§¿§∑§§] /right/just/correct/
  753. ¿∏§±≤÷ [§§§±§–§ ] /flower arrangement/
  754. ¿∫ø¿ [§ª§§§∑§Û] /soul/spirit/mind/
  755. ¿∫ Δ [§ª§§§·§§] /polished rice/
  756. ¿ªª“ [§ª§§§≥] /Seiko (pn)/
  757. ¿º [§≥§®] /voice/
  758. ¿Ω…  [§ª§§§“§Û] /manufactured goods/
  759. ¿æ [§À§∑] /West/
  760. ¿ƒ§§ [§¢§™§§] /blue/pale/
  761. ¿ƒΩ’ [§ª§§§∑§Â§Û] /youth/springtime of life/
  762. ¿ƒ«Ø [§ª§§§Õ§Û] /youth/young man/
  763. ¿«∂‚ [§º§§§≠§Û] /tax/duty/
  764. ¿  [§ª§≠] /seat/
  765. ¿À§∑§§ [§™§∑§§] /regrettable/disappointing/precious/
  766. ¿– [§§§∑] /stone/
  767. ¿—§‡ [§ƒ§‡] /to pile up/to stack/
  768. ¿—§‚§Î [§ƒ§‚§Î] /to pile up/
  769. ¿÷§§ [§¢§´§§] /red/
  770. ¿÷§¡§„§Û [§¢§´§¡§„§Û] /baby/
  771. ¿÷§ÛÀ∑ [§¢§´§Û§‹] /baby/
  772. ¿÷∞Ê [§¢§´§§] /Akai (pn)/
  773. ¿⁄§ §§ [§ª§ƒ§ §§] /painful/trying/oppressive/
  774. ¿⁄§Î [§≠§Î] /to cut/
  775. ¿⁄§Ï [§≠§Ï] /cloth/piece/slice/
  776. ¿⁄§Ï§Î [§≠§Ï§Î] /to expire (e.g. visa)/
  777. ¿fi§ÍªÊ [§™§Í§¨§fl] /origami (paper folding)/
  778. ¿‚ÿ [§ª§ƒ§·§§] /explanation (vs)/exposition/
  779. ¿„ [§Ê§≠] /snow/
  780. ¿„§¿§Î§fi [§Ê§≠§¿§Î§fi] /snowman/
  781. ¿„πÒ [§Ê§≠§∞§À] /snow country/
  782. ¿‰¬– [§º§√§ø§§] /absolute/unconditional/absoluteness/
  783. ¿Â [§∑§ø] /tongue/
  784. ¿Á¬Ê [§ª§Û§¿§§] /Sendai (pl)/
  785. ¿Ë¿∏ [§ª§Û§ª§§] /teacher/master/
  786. ¿Ë«⁄ [§ª§Û§—§§] /senior/
  787. ¿È [§ª§Û] /thousand/1000/
  788. ¿È±fl [§ª§Û§®§Û] /1000 yen/
  789. ¿ÏÃÁ [§ª§Û§‚§Û] /speciality/subject of study/expert/
  790. ¿Ó [§´§Ô] /river/
  791. ¿Ó«∑πæ [§´§Ô§Œ§®] /Kawanoe (pl)/
  792. ¿Ô∏ [§ª§Û§¥] /post-war days/
  793. ¿Ô¡Ë [§ª§Û§Ω§¶] /war (vs)/
  794. ¿ı§§ [§¢§µ§§] /shallow/
  795. ¿ˆ§¶ [§¢§È§¶] /to wash/
  796. ¡¢§fi§∑§§ [§¶§È§‰§fi§∑§§] /envious/enviable/
  797. ¡• [§’§Õ] /ship/
  798. ¡™§÷ [§®§È§÷] /to choose/to select/
  799. ¡™¬Ú [§ª§Û§ø§Ø] /selection/choice/
  800. ¡∞ [§fi§®] /before/in front/
  801. ¡∞§®§‚§√§Δ [§fi§®§‚§√§Δ] /in advance/
  802. ¡«¿≤§È§∑§§ [§π§–§È§∑§§] /wonderful/splendid/magnificent/
  803. ¡«ƒæ [§π§ §™] /obedient (an)/meek/
  804. ¡»§flπÁ§Ô§ª [§Ø§fl§¢§Ô§ª] /combination/
  805. ¡»πÁ [§Ø§fl§¢§§] /association/union/
  806. ¡·§§ [§œ§‰§§] /early (adj)/
  807. ¡Î [§fi§…] /window/
  808. ¡Î∏˝ [§fi§…§∞§¡] /ticket window/
  809. ¡ [§Ø§µ] /grass/
  810. ¡Û§§ [§¢§™§§] /blue/
  811. ¡ˆ§Î [§œ§∑§Î] /to run/
  812. ¡˜§Î [§™§Ø§Î] /to send/
  813. ¡˙ [§∑§‚] /frost/
  814. ¡˛§§ [§À§Ø§§] /hateful/detestable/
  815. ¬≠ [§¢§∑] /leg/foot/
  816. ¬ª≥≤ [§Ω§Û§¨§§] /damage/injury/loss/
  817. ¬º [§‡§È] /village/
  818. ¬æ [§€§´] /other/
  819. ¬ø§§ [§™§™§§] /many/numerous/
  820. ¬¿§§ [§’§»§§] /fat/thick/
  821. ¬¿§Î [§’§»§Î] /to grow fat (stout, plump)/to become fat/
  822. ¬«§ƒ [§¶§ƒ] /to hit/to strike/
  823. ¬Œ [§´§È§¿] /body/
  824. ¬ŒΩ≈ [§ø§§§∏§Â§¶] /weight/
  825. ¬–§∑§Δ [§ø§§§∑§Δ] /for/in regard to/per/
  826. ¬‘§ƒ [§fi§ƒ] /to wait/
  827. ¬Ÿ [§Ê§ø§´] /Yutaka (pn)/
  828. ¬ÊΩÍ [§¿§§§…§≥§Ì] /kitchen/
  829. ¬Ê…˜ [§ø§§§’§¶] /typhoon/
  830. ¬Êœ— [§ø§§§Ô§Û] /Taiwan /
  831. ¬Á§≠§§ [§™§™§≠§§] /big/large/
  832. ¬Á¿⁄ [§ø§§§ª§ƒ] /important (an)/
  833. ¬Á≈˝ŒŒ [§¿§§§»§¶§Í§Á§¶] /president/chief executive/
  834. ¬Á © [§¿§§§÷§ƒ] /large statue of Buddha/
  835. ¬Á ¨ [§¿§§§÷§Û] /greatly/
  836. ¬Á — [§ø§§§ÿ§Û] /very much/terrible/
  837. ¬Á —§  [§ø§§§ÿ§Û§ ] /awful/dreadful/terrible/very/
  838. ¬ËΔÛ [§¿§§§À] /second/
  839. ¬Î≈Á [§ø§´§∑§fi] /Takashima (pl)/
  840. ¬¸ [§ø§≥] /kite/
  841. ¬˝ [§ø§≥] /octopus/
  842. √¶§∞ [§Ã§∞] /to take off clothes/
  843. √´ [§ø§À] /valley/
  844. √Ø [§¿§Ï] /who/
  845. √ª§§ [§fl§∏§´§§] /short/
  846. √¬¿∏ [§ø§Û§∏§Á§¶] /birth/
  847. √¬¿∏Δ¸ [§ø§Û§∏§Á§¶§”] /birthday/
  848. √ƒ¿ [§¶§¡§Ô] /fan/
  849. √ƒ√œ [§¿§Û§¡] /multi-unit apartments/
  850. √Δ§Ø [§“§Ø] /to play (piano, guitar)/
  851. √«§Î [§≥§»§Ô§Î] /to refuse/
  852. √»§´§§ [§¢§ø§ø§´§§] /warm/
  853. √ °π [§¿§Û§¿§Û] /gradually/by degrees/
  854. √À§Œª“ [§™§»§≥§Œ§≥] /boy/
  855. √À§ŒøÕ [§™§»§≥§Œ§“§»] /man/
  856. √Õ [§¢§ø§§] /value/
  857. √Õ√  [§Õ§¿§Û] /price/
  858. √Œ§È§ª [§∑§È§ª] /notice/
  859. √œøà[§∏§∑§Û] /earthquake/
  860. √œÕ˝ [§¡§Í] /geography/
  861. √—§∫§´§∑§§ [§œ§∫§´§∑§§] /shy/ashamed/embarrassed/
  862. √÷§Ø [§™§Ø] /to put/to place/
  863. √Ÿ§§ [§™§Ω§§] /late (adj)/slow/
  864. √›±‡ [§ø§±§æ§Œ] /Takezono (pl)/
  865. √„ [§¡§„] /tea/
  866. √„§Œ¥÷ [§¡§„§Œ§fi] /living room (J. style)/
  867. √„§Œ≈Ú [§¡§„§Œ§Ê] /tea ceremony/
  868. √§ؠ[§ƒ§Ø] /to arrive at/to reach/
  869. √§Π[§≠§Î] /to wear/
  870. √Ê [§ §´] /inside/
  871. √Ê≥ÿ [§¡§Â§¶§¨§Ø] /middle school/
  872. √Ê≥ÿπª [§¡§Â§¶§¨§√§≥§¶] /junior high school/
  873. √Ê≥ÿ¿∏ [§¡§Â§¶§¨§Ø§ª§§] /junior high school student/
  874. √ÊπÒ [§¡§Â§¶§¥§Ø] /China/
  875. √ÊπÒ∏Ï [§¡§Â§¶§¥§Ø§¥] /Chinese language/
  876. √ÊπÒøÕ [§¡§Â§¶§¥§Ø§∏§Û] /Chinese person/
  877. √ʪ≥ [§ §´§‰§fi] /Nakayama (pn)/
  878. √Êøπ [§ §´§‚§Í] /Nakamori (pn)/
  879. √Êø» [§ §´§fl] /contents/
  880. √˘∂‚ [§¡§Á§≠§Û] /savings/
  881. ƒ´ [§¢§µ] /morning/
  882. ƒ´§¥»” [§¢§µ§¥§œ§Û] /breakfast/
  883. ƒÆ [§fi§¡] /town/street/
  884. ƒπ§§ [§ §¨§§] /long/
  885. ƒπ§µ [§ §¨§µ] /length/
  886. ƒπ∫Í [§ §¨§µ§≠] /Nagasaki/
  887. ƒπ∫Í∏© [§ §¨§µ§≠§±§Û] /Nagasakiken (pl)/
  888. ƒª [§»§Í] /bird/fowl/poultry/
  889. ƒæ§∞ [§π§∞] /immediately/soon/
  890. ƒæ§π [§ §™§π] /to fix/to correct/to repair/
  891. ƒæ§Î [§ §™§Î] /to be repaired/to be fixed/
  892. ƒÀ§§ [§§§ø§§] /painful/
  893. ƒÀ§fl [§§§ø§fl] /pain/ache/sore/grief/distress/damage/bruise/
  894. ƒÀ§‡ [§§§ø§‡] /to hurt/to feel a pain/to be injured/
  895. ƒÃ§Í [§»§™§Í] /avenue/street/way/
  896. ƒÃ§Î [§»§™§Î] /to pass/to go through/
  897. ƒ‡§Í [§ƒ§Í] /fishing/angling/
  898. ƒ‡§Î [§ƒ§Î] /to fish/
  899. ƒ· [§ƒ§Î] /crane (bird)/
  900. ƒÊ§Î [§Ω§Î] /to shave/
  901. ƒÊ≈· [§´§fl§Ω§Í] /razor/
  902. ƒÍ§fi§Î [§µ§¿§fi§Î] /to become settled/to be fixed/
  903. ƒÔ [§™§»§¶§»] /younger brother (hum)/
  904. ƒÙª“ [§œ§∑§¥] /ladder/stairs/
  905. ≈£ [§Ø§Æ] /nail/
  906. ≈® [§Δ§≠] /enemy/
  907. ≈´ [§’§®] /flute/pipe/
  908. ≈ƧϧΠ[§™§‹§Ï§Î] /to be drowned/to indulge in/
  909. ≈¥ [§Δ§ƒ] /iron/
  910. ≈∑µ§ [§Δ§Û§≠] /weather/
  911. ≈π [§fl§ª] /store/shop/
  912. ≈π∞˜ [§Δ§Û§§§Û] /shop attendant/
  913. ≈¡§®§Î [§ƒ§ø§®§Î] /to convey/to report/to transmit/to communicate/
  914. ≈¡§Ô§Î [§ƒ§ø§Ô§Î] /to be handed down/to be introduced/
  915. ≈ƒ§Û§‹ [§ø§Û§‹] /paddy field/
  916. ≈≈µ§ [§«§Û§≠] /electricity/
  917. ≈≈µ§¿Ω…  [§«§Û§≠§ª§§§“§Û] /electronic goods/
  918. ≈«§Ø [§œ§Ø] /to vomit/
  919. ≈œ§π [§Ô§ø§π] /to pass over/to hand over/
  920. ≈⁄ [§ƒ§¡] /earth/soil/
  921. ≈⁄ÕÀΔ¸ [§…§Ë§¶§”] /Saturday/
  922. ≈fl [§’§Ê] /winter/
  923. ≈flµŸ§fl [§’§Ê§‰§π§fl] /winter vacation/
  924. ≈‡§Î [§≥§™§Î] /to freeze/
  925. ≈· [§´§ø§ ] /sword/
  926. ≈Á [§∑§fi] /island/
  927. ≈Ï [§“§¨§∑] /east/Higashi (pn,pl)/
  928. ≈ϵ˛ [§»§¶§≠§Á§¶] /Tokyo/
  929. ≈Ï∏˝ [§“§¨§∑§∞§¡] /east entrance/
  930. ≈§‡ [§Ã§π§‡] /to steal/
  931. ≈ˆ [§¢§ø§Í] /a hit/reaching the mark/
  932. ≈ˆ§ø§Î [§¢§ø§Î] /to be hit/
  933. ≈ˆ§Δ§Î [§¢§Δ§Î] /to hit/
  934. ≈ˆ§Í¡∞ [§¢§ø§Í§fi§®] /reasonable (an)/natural/
  935. ≈˙§®§Î [§≥§ø§®§Î] /to answer/to reply/
  936. Δ£∏∂ [§’§∏§Ô§È] /Fujiwara (pn)/
  937. Δ¨ [§¢§ø§fi] /head/
  938. Δ∞§Ø [§¶§¥§Ø] /to move/
  939. Δ±§∏ [§™§ §∏] /same/
  940. Δª [§fl§¡] /road/street/way/method/
  941. Δº [§…§¶] /copper/
  942. Δ« [§…§Ø] /poison/toxicant/
  943. Δ…§flπ˛§‡ [§Ë§fl§≥§‡] /to express (e.g. emotion)/
  944. Δ…§fl ˝ [§Ë§fl§´§ø] /way of reading/how to read/
  945. Δ…§‡ [§Ë§‡] /to read/
  946. Δ…«‰ [§Ë§fl§¶§Í] /Yomiuri (newspaper)/
  947. Δ⁄ [§÷§ø] /pig/
  948. Δfi [§Ø§‚§Í] /cloudiness/shadow/
  949. Δ‚ [§¶§¡] /inside/
  950. ΔÒ§∑§§ [§‡§∫§´§∑§§] /difficult/
  951. ΔÛ [§À] /2/two/
  952. ΔÛΩ≈ [§À§∏§Â§¶] /double/
  953. Δ˘ [§À§Ø] /meat/
  954. Δ˙ [§À§∏] /rainbow/
  955. Δ¸µ≠ [§À§√§≠] /diary/
  956. Δ¸∑– [§À§√§±§§] /Nikkei (newspaper, share index)/
  957. Δ¸À‹ [§À§√§›§Û] /Japan/
  958. Δ¸À‹ [§À§€§Û] /Japan/
  959. Δ˛§Î [§œ§§§Î] /to enter/
  960. Δ˛∏˝ [§§§Í§∞§¡] /entrance/
  961. «≠ [§Õ§≥] /cat/
  962. «Ø [§»§∑] /year/age/
  963. «ª§§ [§≥§§] /strong/thick/
  964. «¿≤» [§Œ§¶§´] /farmer/farm family/
  965. «¿∂» [§Œ§¶§Æ§Á§¶] /agriculture/
  966. «» [§ §fl] /wave/
  967. «…ºÍ [§œ§«] /showy (an)/loud/gay/
  968. «fl±´ [§ƒ§Ê] /rainy season/
  969. «„§¶ [§´§¶] /to buy/
  970. «„ ™ [§´§§§‚§Œ] /shopping/
  971. «‰§Î [§¶§Î] /to sell/
  972. «‰æ [§¶§Í§¢§≤] /amount sold/proceeds/
  973. «Ë [§œ§®] /fly/
  974. »¢ [§œ§≥] /box/
  975. »¢∫¨ [§œ§≥§Õ] /Hakone (pl)/
  976. »§ [§œ§∑] /chopsticks/
  977. »™ [§œ§ø§±] /field/
  978. »¨ [§œ§¡] /8/eight/
  979. »¨≤¶ª“ [§œ§¡§™§¶§∏] /Hachiouji (pl)/
  980. »± [§´§fl] /hair/
  981. »æ [§œ§Û] /half/
  982. »øæ  [§œ§Û§ª§§] /reflection (vs)/reconsideration/
  983. »ø¬– [§œ§Û§ø§§] /contrary/reverse/opposite/
  984. »»øÕ [§œ§Û§À§Û] /offender/criminal/
  985. »” [§·§∑] /meals/food/
  986. »”§§§¢§≤§Î [§·§∑§¢§≤§Î] /to eat/to drink (hon)/
  987. »’§¥»” [§–§Û§¥§œ§Û] /evening meal/dinner/
  988. »÷πÊ [§–§Û§¥§¶] /number/series of digits/
  989. »‡ [§´§Ï] /he/
  990. »Ê§Ÿ§Î [§Ø§È§Ÿ§Î] /to compare/
  991. »Ê≥” [§“§´§Ø] /comparison (vs)/
  992. »È [§´§Ô] /skin/hide/leather/fur/pelt/bark/shell/
  993. »ÈΔ˘ [§“§À§Ø] /cynicism/sarcasm/
  994. »È…Ê [§“§’] /skin/
  995. »ÛæÔ§À [§“§∏§Á§¶§À] /exceedingly/
  996. »ÛæÔ∏˝ [§“§∏§Á§¶§∞§¡] /emergency exit/
  997. »Ù§÷ [§»§÷] /to fly/to jump/
  998. »Ùπ‘µ° [§“§≥§¶§≠] /aeroplane/
  999. »˛§∑§§ [§¶§ƒ§Ø§∑§§] /beautiful/lovely/
  1000. …™ [§“§∏] /elbow/
  1001. …‘∏¯ ø [§’§≥§¶§ÿ§§] /unjust/unfair/
  1002. …‘√« [§’§¿§Û] /usual (an)/
  1003. …‘㧧 [§fi§∫§§] /not tasty/poor taste/
  1004. …’§Ø [§ƒ§Ø] /to adjoin/to be attached/to adhere/
  1005. …€ [§Ã§Œ] /cloth/
  1006. …fl¿fl [§’§ª§ƒ] /construction/laying(a road)/
  1007. …‚§´§÷ [§¶§´§÷] /to float/to rise to surface/
  1008. …ȧ¶ [§™§¶] /to bear/to owe/
  1009. …ȧ´§π [§fi§´§π] /to defeat/
  1010. …ȧ±§Î [§fi§±§Î] /to lose/to be defeated/
  1011. …˜ [§´§º] /wind/breeze/
  1012. …˛ [§’§Ø] /clothes/
  1013.  ™ [§‚§Œ] /thing/object/
  1014.  ¨ [§’§Û] /minute/
  1015.  ∏ [§÷§Û] /sentence/
  1016.  ƒ§∏§Î [§»§∏§Î] /to close (a book)/
  1017.  ƒ§fi§Î [§∑§fi§Î] /to close (vi)/to be closed/
  1018.  ƒ§·§Î [§∑§·§Î] /to close (vt)/to shut (vt)/
  1019.  Δ [§≥§·] /rice uncooked/
  1020.  … [§´§Ÿ] /wall/
  1021.    [§Ø§ª] /habit/peculiarity/
  1022.  — [§ÿ§Û] /change/incident/disturbance/strange (an)/odd (an)/peculiar (an)/
  1023.  —§®§Î [§´§®§Î] /to change (vt)/to alter/
  1024.  —§Ô§Î [§´§Ô§Î] /to change (vi)/to be transformed/
  1025.  —≤Ω [§ÿ§Û§´] /change/
  1026.  —¥π [§ÿ§Û§´§Û] /change (vs)/conversion/transformation/
  1027.  ÷§π [§´§®§π] /to return something (vt)/
  1028.  ˝ [§´§ø] /person/
  1029. À≥§∑§§ [§»§‹§∑§§] /scanty/meagre/poor/
  1030. À¥§Ø§π [§ §Ø§π] /to lose someone, wife, child etc/
  1031. À¥§Ø§ §π [§ §Ø§ §π] /to lose someone, wife, child etc/
  1032. Àà[§≠§ø] /North/
  1033. ÀÃ∏˝ [§≠§ø§∞§¡] /north entrance/
  1034. À‰§·§Î [§¶§·§Î] /to bury/to fill up/
  1035. ÀÁ [§fi§§] /counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)/
  1036. À˃´ [§fi§§§¢§µ] /every morning/
  1037. ÀË≈Ÿ [§fi§§§…] /each time/
  1038. ÀËΔ¸ [§fi§§§À§¡] /every day/
  1039. ÀË«Ø [§fi§§§Õ§Û] /every year/
  1040. ÀË»’ [§fi§§§–§Û] /every night/
  1041. ÀÌ [§fi§Ø§È] /pillow/bolster/
  1042. ÀÙ [§fi§ø] /again/and/
  1043. ÀÙ§œ [§fi§ø§œ] /or/otherwise/